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美國義工和中國義工的區別 (這個態度,我們也可以用在我們身邊的人)

























Title : What is really meant by Help

U.S. volunteers and Chinese volunteers difference ( this attitude , we can also be used in people around us )

Maybe we all feel very happy volunteer , the love to pass to someone else, here we must listen to a Chinese volunteers real experience , he and a volunteer went to the United States when the story of Rwanda .

Rwanda 's poor spectacle for the average person could only imagine the Chinese volunteers under the truck , I saw an emaciated , naked black boy came running toward them , the boy rarely see such a big truck . Suddenly, the volunteers moved compassion , and turned the car took the items went to the little boy went.

" What are you doing ? " American volunteers shouted , " put down ! "

Chinese volunteers in amazement. He did not know how it is , we do not want to do charity work ?

U.S. volunteer leaned toward the little boy , " Hello , we come from very far away , the car has a lot of things , you help us to move down for me ? We'll unpaid for ."

Little boy hesitated in place , then there are many children came , he said to them American volunteers again the same words . Just try to have a baby from the car to move down the barrel of biscuits.

U.S. volunteers picked up a blanket and a bucket of biscuits handed him and said: " Thank you very much , this is the reward you , others are willing to help you with ? "

Other children are also avid surrounded them , not long afterwards the volunteers give each child a relief items .

Then came a child, saw the truck has no goods can be moved to help , I feel very disappointed .

American volunteer said to him: "You see , everyone dry tired, you can sing a song for us to do ? Your song will make us happy ! "

Local children sing the first song, volunteers also gave him a still items: "Thank you, your song is very beautiful ."

Chinese volunteers look ? These thoughtfully .

American volunteer night and said to him : "I'm sorry , I apologize to you the attitude of the morning , I should not talk so loud for you , but you know what ? Place where children stuck in poverty , not their fault , but if because you easily put something to them , so that they can become something for nothing that poverty means of livelihood , and thus more poverty, this is your fault ! "

That day, the volunteers spent from China got an unusual day.

I remember once , I feel " love" very proud , very happy, but it is really sufficient stature to do ? Or to satisfy their enthusiasm ?

1 First, learn to fair treatment themselves.

How much we still stuck in the "poverty " in ? Childhood wronged ? Stimulated by what ? ...

Sometimes say that it seems to have found a very good reason , I need compassion, I need to be concerned , and I need to heal .

No one can pay for our past , everyone has their own past. In the past a lot of things is not our fault , but if so we let ourselves stuck in self-pity , it would be doubly wrong . Healed the first step is to their willingness to be released, otherwise we will be friends around us away .

(2) fair treatment of others .

Many others are not caused by us in the past , because in the past do not need each other's experiences , we condone , laissez-faire , over and over again to listen to complaints, alms own time and energy .

Treat a person the best way is to help him adapt to the environment and actively respond to the present and future , not because of past hurt each other on special treatment , so that he will be the future of specialization , it is extremely unfair .

If the side depends on some issues people do not go , then let go and give him time , do not go spoiled .

3 The volunteers actually still put things in vain to the child , but he asked them to work .

These children will be thinking out of poverty through labor roads and method, if the outset of relief supplies distributed to them , then they saw the indolent to conspiracy , the poor should take the opportunity to imprison them.